Should I get a diagnosis if I think I have Aspergers?

I’m 29. I’m pretty sure I have Aspergers and I’m pretty sure my mom does too… I was doing research because of the latter (my mom having it) before the first (me having it) slapped me hard across the face. Not that I’m upset by it. God no. In a way I’m thrilled to finally read about others with VERY similar quirks. I find myself suddenly obsessed with this aspect of my life.

My husband thinks there is no reason for me to get a confirmed diagnosis. He doesn’t mind my antics and what will it really “do” other than jack up our insurance premiums. I did take the Aspie Quiz and a few spectrum quizzes online and I had borderline scores. Should I just go to the doctor?

2 replies
  1. Penelope Trunk
    Penelope Trunk says:

    It’s nice to go to a doctor because self-discovery and self-knolwedge is interesting and each of us likes to know how we fit into the world. Also I found it really hard to believe I had Aspergers even after a doctor confirmed it. So part of going to a doctor is being able to see clearly who you are, even if it feels a little incredible. We get used to who we are and we assume everyone is like us. Understanding which parts of ourselves are actually different from everyone else is useful to functioning better in the world.


  2. Jean
    Jean says:

    I agree with Penelope. My husband works in the Army and I suspect that one of the Army guys who we sometimes spend time around has Aspergers. Everyone else is convince that he was just severely sheltered and “weird.” I think a diagnosis would not only help him understand himself, but would drastically help others understand him.
    Since we live in this social world where our interactions account for so much, a diagnosis (or lack thereof) would not only improve the understanding you have for yourself, it would change the lens through which others can understand you.

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