I love your posts about how to succeed in the work world as a woman with Asperger’s. Perhaps you could use your unique perspective to give non-asperger’s individuals some insight into how they should work with people that do have it? I think that for your socially adept readers that who have learned to recognize the signs of Asperger’s, it would be nice to have some concrete advice on how to interact with co-workers that seem to have it.

I am learning to adapt to my co-worker’s preferences (I believe he has Asperger’s) and am trying to be considerate, for example, by not making too much pointless small talk. More guidance as to how I should conduct myself would be just the kind of post I’d love to read! I feel like many of your posts detail how people with Asperger’s can learn to fit in the social world they live in – but how can I work to make it more comfortable and easier for them?

My boyfriend thinks that emotionally I am still a child, and I think he is right. I am needy and find it difficult to deal with disappointment or uncertainty. I manage fine with my degree (I’m in my final year and set to get a 2.1) but my personal life is difficult. I show some symptoms of Aspergers such as failure to read into what people say and do, failure to conform to social niceties such as small talk, and a dislike of change and certain physical sensations. However, not enough to get a diagnosis and I don’t think I actually have Aspergers.

I am in therapy and fired my last psychiatrist for being crap. While I get on better with my new one and think he’s actually helping, he is very busy and I can only see him once every fortnight. I’m officially in therapy for depression (now largely better), low self-esteem (still a problem) and paranoia (now better). It’s on the NHS and I can’t get another psychiatrist through my local service and can’t access university counselling because they won’t see me because I’m being seen my my local service.

How can I grow up emotionally?

I have talked with my therapist about the possibility that I might have Asperger’s Syndrome. She says she doesn’t think it interferes with my life enough to get a diagnosis.

Can you tell me what you think I should do to solve my problems?

My son has been found to be borderline at risk for Aspberger’s. He is very high functioning. I’m wondering if you had resources that you thought were better then others? Right now he’s lacking in pretend play and problem solving. He’s about to turn three. I am just starting to get to resources but feel the need to start helping him NOW. Not whenever everyone else gets around to it.

I’m a 26 year old guy with Autism. A friend of mine introduced me to your site and I have been enjoying your articles- Thank you.

In many social interactions I run into, I find myself asking the question: “Should I lie like everyone else, or should I be honest and truly help them…or in most cases hurt their feelings.” … Sometimes I get asked questions for advice by a friend or something and I really try to help them with the situation where instead of getting help…they are just wanting to share with me. I obviously miss this most of the time and I have gone so far as to say, “Well do you really want my honest opinion of this?” Anyway, I’m not sure if I asked a question in there or if you get what I’m trying to communicate. I would just like some help with this situation.

I read your blog all the time. I saw at one point that you mentioned you do career coaching but don’t really advertise it.

As I read your blog, I see in so many ways reflections of my wife, except for her extreme introversion. I was wondering if you’d be willing to potentially work with me to work with her (with the goal of eventually having her talk to you directly) because she’s reticent to seek this sort of help herself.

As a little additional background, she’s 29, an INTJ, possibly with undiagnosed Aspergers, though probably on the milder end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, though you seem to have navigated particular difficult parts of your life by having a friend or two to give you advice at crucial times, she has had so many failed interpersonal relationships (especially with medical professionals or so-called ‘experts’ whom she already knew more than) she has become nearly incapable of seeking or asking for help. She feels she has no practical skills and only chases after fairly un-challenging jobs that cater to neither her abilities, nor interests; eventually leaving her emotionally and psychologically drained.

If this sounds like something you are willing or able to help with, I’d love to hear back.