Entries by Mailbag

I Can’t Stick with Anything

I’d love to find something that I can put all my time and energy into, but I’m scared I will lose interest in whatever I choose. I’ve never stuck with anything long enough to get good at it and my interests can change drastically within a short amount of time. I wouldn’t feel that this […]

How to Test a Business Idea

I have a couple of questions regarding and online start-up idea… If you have an idea for an online start-up, where should you go to see if others (influential people not just friends) think it is a viable (money making) option too? Where would you begin to look for investors if this is your first idea […]

I’m 30 and I’m Worried I’ll Never Have a Career

I’m a career expert’s nightmare: I graduated with a degree in marketing, frolicked about Australia and then started fashion design. I thought that was very well and fun. I did a course called outward bound, maybe you’ve heard of it, I loved it. Worked on a ski field for a few seasons, studied animation and […]

Take a Job at the Same Company as My Boyfriend?

I’ve been reading your blog for about a year and I love it! I’m a Millennial about two years out of college. So I was wondering if you had some advice for me-what would you do if you were offered a job at the same office as your boyfriend? I interviewed at the same company, […]

What Makes a Good Cover Letter?

I always have problem writing cover letters.  I’ve seen many examples in the Internet but they seem too rigid or too general. Could you give me some tips or samples on how a professional cover letter should look?

Why Big Companies Don’t Negotiate Salary

I work for a large corporation and have been with the company for eight years. In those eight years, I have been promoted or moved to another division for more pay four times. I am fairly certain another such opportunity will be coming up at the beginning of 2012. Here is the issue: When I […]

Telling A Great Boss You’re Quitting

I’m 24 years old and have been working at my first job for a year and a half. The firm is just me and my boss. After 6 months I was promoted to “vice president of communications” and I have earned a lot of responsibility since I started. I admire my boss greatly as she […]

Pricing Social Media Consulting

I moonlight at a small animal clinic in my free time, as a vet assistant. I love it but our technology is pretty dated as far as Internet presence is concerned. The vet who owns the clinic wants me to come up with a social media plan for the clinic. But I know that no […]

Revealing a Tryst Between Co-workers

I’ve been seeing a co-worker now for about 2 weeks, and like any relationship where you spend all your time together, things have escalated quickly. We’re not in the same department, but the company is only about 45 people, so I do see him several times a day. I try to be nonchalant about it, […]